Quixwood Moor

Planning permission was granted by Scottish Borders Council in April 2013 consisting of 13 turbines with a capacity of up to 29.9MW. Banks Renewables started construction but by August 2015 had sold the farm to NTR Ltd. Quixwood Moor Wind Farm is close to Grantshouse on the eastern side of Berwickshire. For more information please visit: www.ntrplc.com/projects/quixwood-moor

Quixwood Moor Wind Farm has established a Community Benefit Fund as part of its ongoing commitments to communities in the vicinity of the wind farm. This fund is managed by the County Durham Community Foundation (CDCF). The fund is split between Abbey St Bathans, Bonkyl and Preston Community Council (ABPCC) area and Grantshouse Community Council.

The purpose of the fund is to provide funding for capital items, improvements to community buildings, biodiversity and habitat conservation projects, energy conservation and revenue for community based or led projects.

The Quixwood Moor owners, NTR Ltd and CDCF have agreed that they will make £44,000 available to Preston and Abbey Community Trust (PACT) to spend on projects annually. In addition, there is an Open Access Fund where any additional funds accrued, or unspent grant money is gathered. This can be accessed on application to and discussion with CDCF, and both ABPCC and Grantshouse CC are involved in decisions on funding from the Open Access Fund.

Any community organisation can apply directly to a third funding stream called the Quixwood Small Grants Fund. This is usually capped at £5000 per application. The Small Grants Fund is provided with £22,000 annually, with a 50% split between PACT & Grantshouse CC. Any unspent funds are placed in the Open Access Fund.

For more information, and to make applications to the Quixwood Moor Small Grants Fund, please find forms and guidance notes at: https://www.cdcf.org.uk/grants-for-groups/quixwood-moor-wind-farm-fund/